Solcoseryl ampoules 2ml №25
Description for Solcoseryl ampoules 2ml №25
Pharmacological action
Activator of metabolism in tissues. Is a deproteinized gemodializat blood of healthy dairy calves. The drug contains a wide range of natural low molecular weight substances (including glycolipids, nucleosides and nucleotides, amino acids, oligopeptides, essential trace elements, electrolytes and intermediate products of carbohydrate and fat metabolism).
Solkoseril enhances reparative and regenerative processes, contributes to activation of aerobic metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation, increases oxygen consumption in vitro and stimulates glucose transport in cells in hypoxia and in metabolically depleted cells, increases the synthesis of collagen (in vitro), stimulates proliferation and migration cells (in vitro).
Gel for external use only promotes the formation of granulation tissue and the elimination of fluid, so is used in the initial stage of treatment and applied to fresh wounds, wounds with a detachable wet or ulcers with signs become wet. After applying the gel with the advent of fresh granulation and drying of the wound is recommended to apply the ointment. Ointment forms a protective film on the wound surface and, therefore, used to treat dry (nemoknuschih) wounds.
Research pharmacokinetics using standard chemical analytical methods is not possible, because in its composition product contains blood components and substances that are usually found in the body.
For solution for infusion
- Occlusive peripheral arterial disease in Fontaine stage II of patients with an initial pain-free walking distance below 100 m in the cases where the use of therapeutic walk as a single agent did not lead to desired results.
For solution for injection
- Occlusive peripheral arterial disease in stage III-IV of Fontaine in patients with contraindication / intolerance to other drugs;
- Chronic venous insufficiency, accompanied by trophic disorders in cases of persistent currents.
Gel and ointment
- Minor injuries (abrasions, scratches, cuts);
- Burns 1 and 2 degrees (sunburns, thermal burns);
- Freezing;
- Trudnozazhivayuschie wounds (including trophic ulcers and bedsores).
Dosing regimen
The drug is used parenterally (IV, IM), topically, locally.
In the treatment of occlusive peripheral arterial disease in Fontaine stage II to appoint a solution for infusion / drip of 250 ml daily or several times a week at a rate of 20-40 drops per minute. The treatment course consists of 20 infusions.
In the treatment of occlusive peripheral arterial disease in stage III-IV of Fontaine recommend the use of an injectable solution. It is administered iv to 20 ml daily. Maybe w / drip infusion of isotonic sodium chloride or 5% glucose solution.
In the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, accompanied by trophic disorders injection is administered in 10 ml / 3 times a week. The duration of therapy is not more than 4 weeks and is determined by clinical disease.
If the intravenous impossible, the drug can be administered in the / m 2 ml / day.
In the presence of local trophic disorders (stage IV of Fontaine) recommended the simultaneous use of a gel or ointment, but only after removal from the wound of necrotic tissue.
With / in the introduction of undiluted product you must enter it slowly, because it is hypertonic saline.
Gel and ointment is recommended to apply a thin layer to affected area after the preliminary cleansing wounds: Gel - 2-3 times / day, the ointment - 1-2 times / day, the ointment may be applied under the bandage. Treatment of weeping and deep wounds should begin with the application of the gel. Freshly formed epithelium at the wound edges is recommended to handle the ointment. Once the process of epithelialization seized a large area of skin and the wound will cease to become wet, you should switch completely to the application of ointment. The ointment is used to complete wound healing, epithelization and formation of elastic scar tissue. In cases of slow healing process should revert to the use of the gel.
Side effect
Allergic reactions: urticaria, pruritus, anaphylactic reactions, boundary dermatitis.
Local reactions: the site of application of gel can be observed a short-term burning. If burning a long time passes from the application of the gel should be discontinued.
- Childhood and adolescence to 18 years (for solution for injection and solution for infusion);
- Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Pregnancy and lactation
So far, no cases of unknown teratogenicity solcoseryl nevertheless during pregnancy the drug should be used with caution under strict indications and under the supervision of a physician.
Data on the safety of the drug Solcoseryl during lactation are absent. If necessary, use solution for infusion and injection in lactating breast-feeding should be stopped. Gel and ointment in lactation can be used only when absolutely necessary and under medical supervision.
In appointing solcoseryl in the form of solution for infusion, like any infusion therapy, and patients with severe congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria and hyperhydration should take into account the clinical condition of the patient.
For treatment of severe trophic skin lesions and soft tissue should combine the use of parenteral and local forms solcoseryl.
Gel and ointment applied directly on the wound surface after pre-cleaning the wound with disinfectant. Before the treatment of trophic ulcers, and in cases of purulent wound infections requires pre-surgical treatment.
Use in pediatrics
Data on the safety of the drug Solcoseryl children are absent.
Solution for infusion and injection is contraindicated in children and adolescents.
So far, cases of drug overdose Solcoseryl in its application to the testimony at the recommended doses have been reported.
Drug Interactions
Pharmaceutical interactions
Solution for infusion and injection should not be confused with other drugs, except for isotonic sodium chloride and 5% glucose solution.
Solution for infusion and injection is incompatible with parenteral Ginkgo biloba, and naftidrofurila bentsiklana fumarate.
Conditions and terms of
Solution for infusion, injection should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 15 ° to 25 ° C. Gel and ointment should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years.
To the top of
The drug in the form of a gel, ointment approved for use as a means OTC.
The drug in solution form for injection and solution for infusion prescription.
Solcoseryl ampoules 2ml №25
- Product Code: 71
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: $110.00